Non-Monetary Donations

** Due to the pandemic, we are currently unable to accept donations of used items **

We have Amazon Wish Lists that can be found at the links below. These lists allow our supporters to see what we need the most, while also adding the convenience of items being shipped directly to our facility.

In-Kind Donations can be dropped off at the above listed address and are accepted during daylight hours, 7 days a week. Staff members are generally available to help unload donations during these times. Please ring the buzzer at either the front or back door and let us know you have a donation. Please call before bringing large donations such as furniture and large amounts of clothing to ensure that we have the storage space.

Below is a list of items that we are in need of urgently, items that we are in need of most often (on-going needs), and other items that are always accepted and appreciated.

Genesis Wish List

We can also accept other items that our residents could use either while in the shelter, or to get started in their own homes when the time comes.

For health and safety reasons,
any items left unattended outside of our facility will be disposed of.