Pre-Summer Project & Pre-Summer Meetings

Pre-Summer Project: Due June 15th
Pre-Summer Meeting: June 29th - July 1st

The below Google slides explains the EE Pre-Summer Project and provides all the necessary links.

There are three (3) required components of this project: updating ManageBac, creating an action plan on ManageBac, and posting your EE outline via the ManageBac Calendar dropbox. Additionally there are three (3) recommended components.

The objective of this project is to curate the necessary information for your supervisor to review prior to the pre-summer meeting. Your supervisor must have time to review your project so that you can receive quality guidance.

The pre-summer meeting is a mandatory meeting that must occur during the final week of June. This meeting will take 20 to 30 minutes and take place over Zoom. You will sign up for these meetings in the same manner that you sign up for your Mid-Course Reviews with your subject teachers.

Extended Essay: Pre-Summer Project overview (2023)

Below find additional resources that may help with the pre-summer project and use of ManageBac

ManageBac Update

On ManageBac you must update the Extended Essay page with your subject, topic/title, and research question. This should already be completed, but if you have not completed it, please watch this video.

Updating EE on ManageBac.mp4

Action Plan with Deadlines

On your Extended Essay worksheet tab on ManageBac, you must document your action plan.

Why make an action plan?

  • Action plans help you evaluate the steps you must take to complete a draft over the summer.

  • Action plans help you set yourself deadlines for each step.

  • Action plans document these steps and deadlines to keep yourself accountable. As you complete each step, you will check off the “to do” item in ManageBac.

  • Action plans allow for clear communication with supervisors.

  • Action plans allow your supervisor to provide self-management feedback and advice.

What should be included in my action plan?

  • Official deadline date, e.g. Sept 19th - draft due, Nov 2nd - final draft due, etc.

  • Tasks needing to be completed, e.g. outline section 2, write introduction and methodology sections, etc.

How do I create an action plan on ManageBac?

  • Log into ManageBac.

  • Click Program.

  • Click Extended Essay.

  • Scroll down slightly to the “To Do” section.

  • Click Add Item

  • Write the deadline and the task in the box provided.

  • Click Save.

When you complete the task, you can tick the item box. A date will appear, which will help you track when you complete each task.

How can I tell if my action plan is strong?

You can refer to this simple assessment instrument that supervisors will use to help determine the quality of your action plan.

Is there any guidance on how to outline?

This short video lesson on how to score well on criterion A by writing an excellent EE introductions also demonstrates how to write a clear outline. You can model the body paragraph outline very similarly to how you set out the introduction outline, though obviously the content is different.

Where do I submit my outline draft?

You will need to upload your outline to the ManageBac Calendar Dropbox so that supervisors can begin the Turnitin authentication process.