Utah Education Policy Center

Online Resource Library

A Message From UEPC

Welcome! First and foremost, we hope you and your families are all safe and well. We understand how difficult this time has been, particularly as you are finding balance between your personal and professional needs and responsibilities. Bridging research, policy and practice is at the core of the UEPC. In an effort to streamline the multitude of resources available, UEPC has curated a collection of resources pulled from education sources aimed at supporting educators, students, parents, and community members as they navigate this transition. We know that the impact of school closures is far reaching, and we will continue to add relevant, practical resources as we learn more from our incredible education community. We are all in this together.

Best Wishes,

The Utah Education Policy Center

If you are looking for resources relating to teaching strategies & lesson planning, social & emotional learning, collaboration, and special education, click here. You can also access podcasts & webinars discussing the impacts of COVID-19 and strategies to support learning during this time.
If you are an educator, student, parent, or someone working to support digital learning at home, this page is for you. The resources below will help you explore and get started with some common platforms used for at-home learning and virtual collaboration.
As schools across the nation have closed to protect students and educators from COVID-19, many parents and caregivers are seeking ways to support their children’s learning outside of the classroom. The good news is that there are some wonderful, free online resources that can help children continue to build critical literacy skills while schools are closed. Click here to access some fun resources to engage the whole family!