Welcome! I am an assistant professor at the University of Utah working on condensed matter theory.
I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in August 2019. My Ph.D. researches explore various aspects of magnetism in quantum magnets and correlated metallic systems.
I did my postdoc at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara from Fall 2019 to Fall 2023. My postdoc researches include non-equilibrium dynamics and control in quantum materials, quantum phases and phase transitions in correlated systems and their signatures in experiments.
My researches involve studying the interplay between symmetry, correlation and topology in various types of quantum materials. I am also interested in the field theoretical aspects of gapless metallic phases.
My publications can be found through my Google Scholar profile .
My group has openings for Graduate Student.
For Graduate Student: Students are accepted to the program by applying to the Physics & Astronomy Ph.D. program through the link. Informations of the application can be found in the flyer. You’re welcome to apply for free using the application fee waiver code in the flyer. Feel free to send me an email indicating your interest to work with me.