Celebratory Symposium

The timezone of the program is Hannover, GMT+1

The objective of the Celebratory Symposium is to celebrate the author of the i* requirements modelling language, prof. Eric Yu, on the occasion of his retirement .

The presentations by invitation aim at illustrating the impact of his work from its origins to today, together with future prospects. 

Location: Sunday, 3rd of September 2023 at Leibnizhaus 

Morning Session (10:00-11:30)

Lunch at a Restaurant Nearby (11:30-13:30) (on your own)

First Afternoon Session (13:30-15:10)

Coffee Break (15:10-15:40)

Second Afternoon Session (15:40-17:25)

Dinner (18:30) (on your own)

We had a wonderful conference in Hannover! Looking forward to see everyone at iStar'24!