Human Growth and Reproduction
Grand Blanc Community Schools offers Human Growth Development and Reproduction curriculum during 4th, 5th, and 7th grade as well as in the high school Health class. The focus at each grade level is on the whole person - intellectually, physically, emotionally, morally, and socially. Programs are abstinence based, family centered, and age appropriate. All programs have gone through approval of a community advisory board and have received Board Approval.
The teacher's role is to direct students to choices that promote health, abstinence, self-control, character, self-esteem, and maturity. School staff facilitating the programs will present facts and provide clear guidance and principles based on core values. Grand Blanc Community Schools recognizes parents/guardians as the primary sex educators of their children and parental guidance is essential. All instructional materials shall be available for inspection by parents or guardians. Parents or guardians have the right to opt their student out of the program.
Program content adheres to the Michigan Department of Education Health Standards for both HIV/AIDS education and Human Growth and Reproduction education. Below is a list of topics taught in the Human Growth Development and Reproduction units. The curriculum is currently undergoing the mandated review process and will be updated in the spring of 2022. Prior to implementation, the content will be made available for review in a public meeting, and parents will have access to view. If you would like to inspect current materials, please contact your student's building principal.
Topics included at Fourth Grade
Anatomy and Physiology:
Describe basic male and female reproductive systems including basic body parts.
Explain the process of menstruation (girls only)
Explain the physical, social and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and how the timing of these changes can vary greatly.
Describe how friends, family, media, society and culture can influence ideas about body image
Identify parents or other trusted adults of whom students can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health issues
Identify personal hygiene practices and health/safety issues during puberty
Healthy Relationships:
Explain how culture, media, and others influence what one thinks about oneself and relationships.
Topics included at Fifth Grade
Anatomy and Physiology:
Describe male and female reproductive systems including body parts and their functions.
Explain the processes of menstruation, ovulation, sperm production, sexual intercourse and conception.
Explain the physical, social and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and how the timing of these changes can vary greatly.
Describe how friends, family, media, society and culture can influence ideas about body image
Identify parents or other trusted adults of whom students can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health issues
Identify personal hygiene practices and health/safety issues during puberty
Pregnancy and Reproduction:
Define the functions of sperm and egg cells in human reproduction.
Describe the menstrual cycle and its potential for human reproduction.
Define HIV and identify some age appropriate methods of transmission, as well as ways to prevent transmission
Healthy Relationships:
Explain how culture, media, and others influence what one thinks about oneself and relationships.
Personal Safety:
Describe the characteristics of appropriate and inappropriate touch.
Explain that a child is not at fault if someone touches him or her in an inappropriate way.
Develop plans to stay safe when home alone and in public places.
Demonstrate strategies to get away in cases of inappropriate touching or abduction.
Topics included at Seventh Grade
Anatomy and Physiology:
Describe male and female reproductive systems including body parts and their functions.
Explain the processes of menstruation, ovulation, sperm production, sexual intercourse and conception.
Identify accurate and credible sources of information about sexual health
Explain the physical, social and emotional changes that occur during puberty and adolescence and how the timing of these changes can vary greatly.
Describe how friends, family, media, society and culture can influence ideas about body image
Identify parents or other trusted adults of whom students can ask questions about puberty and adolescent health issues
Identify personal hygiene practices and health/safety issues during puberty
Pregnancy and Reproduction:
Define the functions of sperm and egg cells in human reproduction.
Describe the menstrual cycle and its potential for human reproduction.
Summarize the benefits of staying within behavioral limits and remaining abstinent.
Demonstrate the ability to use verbal and non-verbal ways to refuse participation in sexual behavior.
HIV and AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Define HIV and identify some age appropriate methods of transmission, as well as ways to prevent transmission
Identify medically accurate information about STDs, including HIV.
Compare and contrast behaviors, including abstinence, to determine the potential risk of STD/HIV transmission from each
Analyze the impact of alcohol and other drugs on safer sexual decision making and sexual behaviors
Healthy Relationships:
Compare and contrast the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships
Explain how culture, media, and others influence what one thinks about oneself and relationships.
Analyze the similarities and differences between friendships and romantic relationships
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of communicating using technology and social media
Describe strategies to use social media safely, legally and respectfully
Personal Safety:
Describe situations and behaviors that constitute bullying, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault, incest, rape and dating violence
Identify sources of support such as parents or other trusted adults that they can go to if they are or someone they know is being bullied, harassed, abused or assaulted
Differentiate between gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation
Explain the range of gender roles
Communicate respectfully with people of all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations
Legal Notifications
Age of Consent
Safe Delivery (surrendering newborns)