
i3 Monthly Update

Student Creation on Devices

Commonly Used Student Creation Tech Tools

This month’s focus explores how educators can design instruction for students to research, evaluate, and creatively communicate their own learning.

Did you know a commonly used tech tools that support student creation is flipgrid? Another easily accessible video creation tool is Canvas Studio. The students can easily access Studio within their course navigation or through using the Rich Content Editor.

Canvas Studio

Maybe you have used Studio yourself but not thought about the ways that students could be using Studio in submitting assignments. Students can submit Studio media as a file upload, a text entry, or a discussion reply. The Guides for Studio - both instructor and students information - are very thorough.

If you are new to studio, Digital Learning has a pathway course that will help you (plus, you'll get CPE credit and a digital badge 😀 ). Click on the image to enroll.

New Tech!?!

What is Pixel Art?

Pixel art is a form of digital art wherein images are created and edited at the pixel level using a graphics editing software. What defines pixel art is its unique visual style, where individual pixels serve as the building blocks that make up the image. The effect is a visual style very similar to that of mosaic art, cross-stitch and other types of embroidery techniques.

Check out these articles: Creating Pixel Art Using Google Sheets

Make Art With Google Sheets - Applied Digital Skills

Control Alt Achieve

Did you know that you could use a template to create a color-by-numbers art activity? But change it up! Students can fill in cells with numbers correlating to math problems, or science or reading multiple choice answers!

You are already doing so much! You have grown in using technology in the classroom over the past several years. Are you sharing your successes? Tweet your triumphs! Share with me: @dghtymusicrocks, with the school: @DES_Hornets, and with the Digital Learning Team: @DigitalGISD.

Want to be caught being techy? Email me! I'd love to come by your classroom, take some pics, and share your successes!