Primary School

Welcome to the learning programme pages for the UWCSEA East Primary School. Here you will find information on all five elements of the learning programme, which we hope will help you stay in touch with your child's experience at school.

When you click on a grade level below you will be brought to a separate grade site, which site includes the following:

  • information on each of the five elements of the learning programme, which you will access from the left column navigation
  • access to grade level announcements from the Head of Grade
  • photos of all the teachers in the grade, which link to their class blog where additional information on classroom and home learning (where relevant) is available

The class blogs provide class-specific information. In K1, K2 and Grade 1, this information focuses on helping you keep up to date with what's happening in your child's class. In Grades 2 to 5, further resources and home learning for specific subjects and topics are available for students and parents.

Please note that these pages do not replace institutional communications such as eBrief, though links to the grade pages will be in each eBrief. They are intended to give you a closer connection to your child(ren)'s learning; we hope you find the pages useful.