Grade 2

Welcome to Grade 2 at UWCSEA East. Here you will find information about the learning programme in Grade 2, as well as useful resources and updates on what is happening in our grade. As the first year of Junior School, Grade 2 is a very special time for our students, as they grow in independence and self-management and begin to understand new expectations and possibilities. We hope these pages help you stay connected with your child as they learn and grow in Grade 2.

Class announcements

Each teacher publishes class announcements weekly to help parents stay up to date with classroom learning. You can access these announcements in the Seesaw app on your mobile device or computer.

Charla Marshall 

Head of Grade 2

Caroline Howorth

Grant Ferguson

Jennifer Smith 

Kristin Bishop

Michael Bowden

Sarah Kapitza

ANNOUNCEMENTS from the Head of Grade

Learning programme

Below you you will find an overview of the five elements of the UWCSEA learning programme in the Primary School on East Campus. In addition to providing descriptions of each subjects available through the Academic programme, you will find information on the Activities, Outdoor Education, Personal and Social Education (PSE), and Service programmes. 

The Academic programme in our Junior School is developed around an holistic, inquiry-based approach to learning. In developmentally appropriate ways, students explore concepts and develop their essential understandings in these areas through interdisciplinary Units of Study. Guided by the UWCSEA profile and learning principles, students explore:

The activities programme is a vital part of student life and learning and is designed to provide students with opportunities to discover new interests, develop their strengths and pursue their passions. Through the Activities programme, students have the chance to explore their talents, develop new skills and to be successful beyond the classroom. By trying out new things, they discover what they are good at, and are motivated to succeed. The opportunities offered to our students are wide-ranging, and because of the demands made on their time, students also gain skills in time management and self-organisation and learn the value of commitment. In addition, they build leadership and social skills as well as an understanding of group dynamics. Most importantly, they experience both success and failure and learn to persevere.

Outdoor education is a core part of the UWCSEA learning programme. The UWCSEA Junior School Outdoor Education programme is designed to take the students into the unfamiliar and present them with age-appropriate challenges, which require them to assimilate and adapt. With their peers, they benefit from sharing the experience of developing new skills away from the comforts of home and family, often for the first time. The various activities and venues are thoroughly checked and reviewed to ensure student and staff safety before every trip. Our main aim for our expeditions is to set each student up for success.

We know that in order for learning to be effective, learners must feel secure and supported. The Personal and Social Education element of the learning programme is focused on helping students to understand themselves and each other. The ability to know themselves and to interact effectively with others, to cooperate, negotiate and identify what's important to them is at the heart of the Junior School experience. 

Service is at the heart of the UWC movement and even our youngest students become involved in service activities. The programme empowers students to become aware, able and active contributors to the community. Beginning in K1, the programme fosters empathy and helps students to recognise that part of being human is seeking opportunities to put yourself aside in the service of others.