Assignments, Content, and Syllabus

New Grade Book Assignment, Content, and Syllabus

The new grade book provides new options for assignment creation, and now provides the ability to create content, and to create and attach a syllabus for each class. Each option is explained below.

- New Grade Book Assignment, Content, and Syllabus

The new grade book has a number of upgraded and new options for creating assignments, content, and syllabi. These updated and new features are discussed below:

Click on the Plus symbol located in the bottom right-hand corner of the grade book to open up these menu options. Mouse-over Syllabus to access the syllabus sub-menu items.

New Grade Book Assignments.mp4

The images below have arrows pointing out important features. Mouse-over the arrows to see useful information about that feature pop up. 

The video to the left provides a summary of all Assignment, Content, and Syllabus features.

- New Grade Book Assignment

- Content

The new grade book in Synergy provides you with the ability to add rich content such as documents, images, embedded videos, and links.

- Advanced Settings

For each assignment, teachers can set specifications on the Advanced Settings tab. These settings include:

- Standards

Course Content and Assignments can be aligned to standards. Search for Standards by name in the text field or filter by selecting the Standards Type, Subject, and Grade Level. You can then select Standards from the populated list. Click HERE for more detailed information on the new grade book standards options and settings.

- Drop Box

The Drop Box feature allows students to upload completed assignments for grading through their StudentVUE application. Assignments can be graded and given comments and notes through TeacherVUE.

- New Grade Book Content

Course Content includes all possible resources and content that a teacher provides for a class. Assignments and Content can both include rich Course Content. The Tools on the right-hand side of the Content creation page will enable you to add rich Course Content, as well as create a library collection of saved images, links, and documents.

Content is rich course information that does not expect a student score. Teachers can use Content to share study materials such as videos and documents. This area can also be used to share general class announcements about things like projects and field trips.

- New Grade Book Syllabus

Mousing over the Syllabus button displays four areas of the syllabus that teachers can edit: Contact Info, Class Policies, Grading Policies, and Course Description. Click on a syllabus area to create or edit only this section. These options also appear as tabs if you click on the Syllabus button.