Analysis Band per Assignment and per Class
New Grade Book Analysis Band per Assignment and per Class
The new grade book Analysis Band per Assignment feature has replaced the At Risk Threshold feature. Analysis bands display the color bands on the grade book scores to help teachers visually determine each student's mastery level. Analysis bands assigned also display the color bands on the Progress Bar located at the top of each assignment header. This helps teachers visually determine the students mastery level, and also provides the ability to message only students in a specific color band. Analysis bands can be assigned at the class and at the assignment level.
- New Grade Book Analysis Band per Assignment
The original grade book contains the At risk highlight scores percentage feature that would highlight grades in red that are below a selected percentage. This useful feature visually highlights students who are at risk in your class.
The new grade book has replaced this with a new feature, analysis bands for each class or assignment.
Analysis Band Creation
You can set up analysis bands by (1) clicking on Analysis Tool in the Grade Book drop-down menu, and then (2) clicking on the Setup Analysis Bands link on the Analysis Tool page.
Color Band Creation
(3) Click on the New button in the Analysis Bands section to create a new analysis band. (4) Click on the New button in the analysis band Details section to create new color bands. After you have entered the Mark, Low Score, High Score, and selected a Display Color click on the +Insert button to add the color band to the analysis band. After you have created a color band, you can click on the edit button to edit a color band.
The new grade book provides the option to choose an analysis band type during the creation of each new assignment. The analysis band option is selected on the Advanced Settings tab of the New Assignment page.
* Notice that the Analysis Band For Class is displayed below the assignment analysis band drop-down menu. Analysis band per assignment would override the default class analysis band. Analysis band per class is discussed below.
You can see the analysis band colors that are assigned to various score percentages in the graphic to the left. At risk scores also contain a red down arrow. At risk scores are the lowest band in the assigned analysis band.
Progress Bar
The progress bar located at the top of each assignment in the new grade book will display all risk levels and the students that are in each level based on the analysis band that is chosen in the assignment analysis band menu option or in the Grade Book Setup - Class Settings page for each class.
Click on the icon with the up arrow to send an email communication to all students that are in a certain risk level.
- New Grade Book Analysis Band per Class
Analysis Band per Class
If you use the same analysis band for every assignment or most assignments, assign that analysis band as the class analysis band. Analysis bands that are set at the class level in the Grade Book Setup - Class Settings page are the default for all assignments in that class, unless a different analysis band is selected at the assignment level.
Select Grade Book Setup from the Grade Book drop-down menu.
Next, click on the Class Settings tab.
Next, click on the Edit button.
Select your analysis band for each class from the Analysis Band drop-down menu, and then click on the Save button.