
Professor Tomotsugu Goto 後藤友嗣教授

 / 國立清華大學

講題:Modern Technology and EMI in astronomy

Current Position: Professor

Personal Introduction

Tomotsugu Goto is a professor of astronomy at the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Tokyo. He has been a fellow at the University of Hawaii and the Niels Bohr Institute. In 2006, he was a member of the JAXA team that launched the AKARI infrared space telescope. In 2015, he published his 100th peer-reviewed paper in an international journal. In 2021-2023, he was selected as a top 2% researcher in the world by Stanford University. He is ranked second among astronomers in Taiwan.

Goto uses large telescopes around the world to study the most distant supermassive black holes in the universe, dark energy, and the history of star formation in the universe. Recently, he used NASA's JWST space telescope to shed light on the star formation history of the universe.

Goto is also passionate about teaching. His FutureLearn online course has been subscribed by over 4,000 students worldwide. He has led three Ministry of Education (MOE) teaching projects, which have integrated modern technology into astronomy education through the use of 3D printers, virtual reality goggles, and digital video-based learning, further demonstrating his commitment to enhancing the educational experience for students.