Intelligent Networking and Computing Lab.

(INCLab, 지능정보통신연구실)

Welcome to Intelligent Networking & Computing Laboratory (INC Lab) in the School of Computing at Gachon University.

We specialize in next-generation wireless networking and mobile computing technologies, and AI-based ubiquitous and wireless sensing systems. Specifically, we design and develop intelligent IoT systems with on-device AI capabilities to enable ubiquitous sensing and event detection, such as motion and gesture recognition and biometric measurement.



next-generation networking

mobile computing

Wi-Fi sensing

Research Interest / 주요 연구 분야:

 We are seeking self-motivated undergraduate and graduate students to work on research projects in networking, mobile computing, IoT systems, and machine learning. If interested, please contact Prof. Choi by email at

학/석사연계, 석사, 또는 박사 과정 지원에 관심이 있는 학생은 연락 바랍니다. 

혜택: 석사과정 등록금 전액 (성적 무관, 논문출판요건), 국내/해외 학술대회 파견, 대외 교육비 지원 등