Shih-Yu Tsai

PhD Candidate in Computer Science

PhD in Computer Science at Stony Brook University

email: yosukefish.am98g AT g2 DOT nctu DOT edu DOT tw

Research interests

graph theory, computational geometry, parallel programming, networking


Now, I am in the job market looking for a faculty position in Taiwan

2023 Dec, start doing a postdoc in  Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, working with Meng-Tsung Tsai

2023 May, finished my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Stony Brook University, advised by Professor Jie Gao and Professor Rezaul A. Chowdhury. 

Ongoing Project

-Streaming algorithm design with space analysis compared to the best possible space usage

-Generate heterogeneous representation in a parallel style

-Understand the hyperbolic graphs.


[1] Shih-Yu Tsai, “Graph Algorithms for Diversity and Fairness.” State University of New York at Stony Brook 2023

[2] Jie Gao, Mayank Goswami, Karthik C. S., Meng-Tsung Tsai, Shih-Yu Tsai, Hao-Tsung Yang, “Obtaining Approximately Optimal and Diverse Solutions via Dispersion.” LATIN 2022

[3] Shih-Yu Tsai, Hao-Tsung Yang, Kin Sum Liu, Shan Lin, Rezaul Chowdhury and Jie Gao, "Multi-Channel Assignment and Link Scheduling for Prioritized Latency-Sensitive Applications." ALGOSENSORS 2019

[4] Hao-Tsung Yang, Shih-Yu Tsai, Kin Sum Liu, Shan Lin, Jie Gao, "Patrol Scheduling Against Adversaries with Varying Attack Durations." AAMAS 2019: 1179-1188

[5] Rathish Das, Shih-Yu Tsai, Sharmila Duppala, Jayson Lynch, Esther M. Arkin, Rezaul Chowdhury, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Steven Skiena, "Data Races and the Discrete Resource-time Tradeoff Problem with Resource Reuse over Paths." SPAA 2019: 359-368

[6] Chang Chen, Gang-Yu Fan, Shih-Yu Tsai, Ting-Yu Lin, Tsan-sheng Hsu, "Compressing Chinese Dark Chess Endgame Databases". CIG 2015: 254-259

[7] Well Y. Chiu, Chiuyuan Chen, Shih-Yu Tsai, "A 4n-move Self-stabilizing Algorithm for the Minimal Dominating Set Problem Using an Unfair Distributed Daemon". Inf. Process. Lett. 114(10): 515-518 (2014)


-provided hands-on experiments or activities to children in order to get them excited about Science [Stony Brook University Graduates for Education and Outreach since Oct 2017]

-lectured The Alpha Technique and Approximation Algorithms [CSE548 Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2019]