

只要以英語呈現(任選一項)1.英文歌曲演唱 2.英文小短劇(或喜劇) 朗讀英詩,拍下影片(須秀出參賽者本人)112/3/17()前上傳至YouTube,並完成線上報名。初賽表現最佳之20組將於於112/3/29(三)中午競逐高額獎金~~

第一名: 新台幣三千元          NT$3,000

第二名: 新台幣兩千五百元  NT$2,500

第三名: 新台幣兩千元         NT$ 2,000

第四名: 新台幣一千五百元  NT$ 1,500

第五名: 新台幣一千元         NT$ 1,000

國際語言文化中心  International Language & Culture Center

公告📢2023 第四屆元智英語達人秀大賽--入圍決賽者名單 2023 YZU's Got Talent, Contestants of the Final Stage 📢

§ 決賽日期、時間Date & Time :112年3月29日(三)中午 12:10~15:00

§ 報到時間、地點 Time & Venue:112年3月29日(三)中午 12:10、R70206





只要以英語呈現(任選一項)1.英文歌曲演唱 2.英文小短劇(或喜劇) 朗讀英詩,拍下影片(須秀出參賽者本人們),上傳至YouTube,並完成線上報名。初賽表現最佳之20組將於112/3/29(三)競逐高額獎金~~



歡迎報名參加2023屆元智英語達人秀大賽YZU’s GOT Talent!

參賽者請錄製一段影片作品 (4分鐘為上限);上傳到YouTube並提供影片連結,就有機會獲得大獎!!!


1.英文歌曲演唱 2.英文小短劇(或喜劇) 朗讀英詩。



1.    英語歌唱組英文歌曲演唱

2.    口語表達組:英文小短劇(或喜劇) 朗讀英詩

第一名: 新台幣三千元          NT$3,000

第二名: 新台幣兩千五百元  NT$2,500

第三名: 新台幣兩千元         NT$ 2,000

第四名: 新台幣一千五百元  NT$ 1,500

第五名: 新台幣一千元         NT$ 1,000


Yzu’s got talent!


ILCC always thinks of ways to motivate YZU students to improve their foreign language learning by organizing various activities and contests. This time the center is organizing its 4th talent contest. All you have to do is video yourself singing a song, performing a skit or comedy routine, or reciting a poem, (in English) and upload it onto YouTube. The 20 best from each category will then be entered into the final stage live performance and may win a PRIZE.



1st Place: NTD 3000

2nd Place: NTD 2500

3rd Place: NTD 2000

4th Place: NTD 1500

5th Place: NTD 1000



The contest is open to current YZU undergraduate students - graduate students are not eligible. The contest will be held in TWO categories:

 1. Spoken Word, 2. Singing.

1.   Spoken Word can be performing a skit, comedy routine, rapping or reciting a poem.

2.  Singing can be any song in English. It can include a dance routine if desired.


Please choose the RIGHT category when uploading your video onto YouTube. ILCC reserves the right to disqualify any entry at their sole discretion that they believe violates the regulations.


Participants can record:

A song

A skit or comedy routine

A poem

Which is performed in English and the content should be decent.


The number of participants is unlimited as the video recordings will be viewed by judges online.


Maximum of 4 minutes per performance.


Entries must be submitted onto YouTube no later than 23:59 on Wednesday, March 17th 2023. No entries will be considered if submitted after this date.

(ILCC reserves the right to handle any unexpected situation in their own way without explanation.)




Register as a team (1 team, 1 registry), please make sure you include 1- Team leader’s name, 2- student ID number, 3- department and major, 4- email address, 5- phone number. 6- video link to YouTube. 7-list of all performers, including names, SID No., department and major





For each group, 2 judges will evaluate contestants on the 3 following categories:

1.   Speaking & Language Skills 50%      3. Content 20%*

2.  Performance Techniques 30%          


The copyright of awarded videos belongs to ILCC.

* If original material.