TinW - Technologies in the workplace - use and impact on workers

Welcome to the International Workshop TinW 2018

This workshop/conference session aims to focus the use and impact of technologies at the workplace, specifically according to Organizational Psychology. This framework will be used to contribute to the advance in the understanding of the interaction between human and technologies and the way in which these have been influencing individuals at work and other social contexts, namely given spillover effects.

We would like to invite authors to submit unpublished work to this workshop, contributing with research papers, case studies and demonstrations that present original scientific results, methodological aspects, concepts and approaches in the field.

List of topics of interest

Topics of interest include any area related to the human impact of technologies in the workplace. In particular, topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

1. The use of social and professional networks in Human Resources processes (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook)

2. The use of technologies in Human Resources processes (e.g., in RS, training, performance appraisal, talent management)

3. Managing work-personal relations considering personal social networks (e.g., Facebook)

4. The use of email as an organizational communication strategy

5. Workplace tele pressure (e.g., the impact of technologies on work-life family balance, well-being, productivity)

6. Health and safety issues

TinW and WorldCist’18

WorldCIST assumes itself as a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, results, experiences and concerns in the several perspectives of Information Systems and Technologies. Therefore it’s mandatory to present a space where researchers and practitioners may focus on the interaction between humans and technologies according to a Psychological perspective.

Organizational Psychology is the branch of Psychology that has been focusing the ever greater impact of technologies at work and has been considering the spill over that technologies seem to facilitate across social contexts, namely by turning work hours increasingly flexible. This workshop will discuss research results and new trends on this area. It will simultaneously be a space for researchers on different areas of Information Systems and Technologies to access contributions of Psychology, which may add to their own practices and research.