Tracking COVID-19's Effective Reproduction Number

In this website we provide a real-time estimation of COVID-19 effective reproduction number across several countries. Our goal is to provide a tool for specialists to monitor and study the current COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to evaluate the results of policies across countries, among other possiblities.

For a methodological description, please check the Technical Summary section, as well as the full paper for better details.

A custom query tool and some of our results for selected countries be found below. Additionally, PDF files with our results for all countries are available here and will be updated regularly. As time passes, we expect to be able to extend our results to more countries.

We hope readers find it useful and to contribute to both research and policy-making across the globe.

Disclaimer: The views and conclusions presented in this paper are exclusively those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Central Bank of Chile or of its Board members.

Custom Query

South Korea



Estimation for several countries

Estimation for LAC6

US States