Effective Instructor-TA Communication: Working Together as a Remote Teaching Team

Workshop Description

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) and the Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences (CEILS) have collaborated to create a workshop for faculty and TAs centered around what TAs wish faculty knew about their experience teaching during this extraordinary time. The session will be centered around questions of disruptions and difficulties that TAs are experiencing, how faculty and TAs can best communicate with each other, how to manage work expectations in this time of disruption, and how to function as a team in order to meet students’ needs.

Learning Outcomes

  • Consider TA equity and what is a reasonable ask

  • Establish plans for communication

  • Design assessments with TAs and grading in mind

  • Create an instructor-TA agreement about shared expectations

Workshop materials

Couldn't attend live? Watch the video here!

Effective Faculty-TA Communication: Working Together as a Remote Teaching Team


Instructor-TA Checklist rough draft

Instructor-TA Communication Checklist

Establishing Shared Expectations Between Instructors and TAs

Establishing Shared Expectations Worksheet

Conference Instructor-TA Workshop Activity Guide

Activity Guide

Links to various breakout room documents are linked here.

Effective Instructor-TA Communications Reflection and Wrap-up

Final reflection on your next steps

Workshop Evaluation

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