Anne Isaksson

About the Artist

Anne Isaksson is a Swedish visual artist working in film, who lives and works in London. She is a founding member of London based DFA Arts Exchange where she has co curated States of Exchange (SoE) and is part of IMPRINT Documentary Collective, Centre for Creative and Cultural Practice (CCP) and the CIC, Blue on the Hill (B.O.T.H). Anne made her full short film directorial debut in March 2023 on completion of her award winning Breathless, which followed the shorter Waterways in 2022. Breathless is an autobiographical narrative of breath and bodily trauma using intercut footage of a journey towards recovery. Her most recent work, A Meditation on Trauma, is a reflection on that theme, after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis.

She expresses identity as ambivalent and continuous, as well as being part of a reflexive process. She uses autobiography applied as autotheory to reflect on our vulnerability and as a means to engage in the debate of body politics through identification where the personal is political.


Instagram: @anneevaisaksson

About the Artwork

Title: A Meditation on Trauma (2003)

A Meditation on Trauma is a reflection on recent bodily trauma after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis. It is about how you emotionally absorb information such as this, the feeling of prolonged stages of uncertainty and undergoing operations with underlying health conditions and the fragility of life.

The film is part of a collection of autobiographical work following the feminist motto ‘the personal is political’. It is also about sharing your fears and acknowledging human mortality - as Audre Lorde says ‘So it is better to speak, remembering, we were never meant to survive’.