Workshop on Scenario Based Assessment for Autonomous Driving Software Systems

Online workshop, 2nd December 2021, 15:00 - 22:00 JST


Nagoya University

Graduate School of Informatics, Behavior Signal Processing Laboratory

JARI Project

Japan Automobile Research Institute project

IEEE ITSS Nagoya Chapter

Technical Sponsor


The autonomous driving software applications are increasingly in demand. Robot taxis, autonomous buses, last mile transportation, delivery robots, and many more domain specific applications share a common core software stack. Developing or even adapting existing autonomous software to a certain domain is a huge task even if the change is very simple. One small change can break the system or even change the system's expected behavior. Extensive testing is essential to guarantee that the system works as expected. Evaluating a software stack as complex as autonomous driving systems is challenging. Different modules require different ways of evaluation. The danger of testing safety critical situations. Time and resources needed for evaluating every change in the system.

The goal of this workshop is to try to cover the problem of autonomous driving software stack assessment, especially the use of scenario based evaluation methods.

Plenary Speakers:

Professor, Institute of Innovation for Future Society, Graduate School of Informatics, Presidential Advisor, Nagoya University

Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, HSA_ired, Augsburg University of applied sciences.


Session 1, 15:00 - 15:30

Welcome, and plenary speeches from Professor Takeda and Professor Carsten

Session 2, 15:30 - 16:45

Introduction, Scenario Based Evaluation for Autonomous Driving Software Systems. Hatem Darweesh

How can smart infrastructure contribute to the future of automated driving. Mathias Pechinger

Coffee Break (15 minutes)

Session 3, 17:00 - 18:00

Open-Source Testing Framework for Path Planning and Control Algorithms in Autonomous Driving. Armin Straller

Dinner Break (1 hour)

Session 4, 19:00 - 20:30

Tutorials, Running Standard Scenarios with CARLA Simulator. Hatem Darweesh

Real-to-Synthetic: Generate Simulator-Ready Scenes from Real-world Data. Tian Yafu



Master Student, Master candidate, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

PhD candidate, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

PhD candidate, Takeda-Laboratory, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University


Dr. Hatem Darweesh

Behavior Signal Processing Laboratory, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, Japan.