Science and Social Studies

April 20-24

There are 4 days worth of Science and Social Studies activities this week. You may choose which activity, Science or Social Studies, you'd like to do each day.

You can find them at the top of this page by clicking on either Social Studies or Science.

For Social Studies, you will read some Scholastic News articles to learn new things about food people eat around the world, how towns are named, and amazing things kids are doing at home. You can read them yourself, or choose the "text to speech" option to have it read to you. Each article also has videos to watch and an activity for you to do.

You will also conduct a science experiment to answer the question: What is the strongest bridge I can build using just paper? You will make a plan and try it out, then change your plan to make it better and try it again! Be sure to talk about and record your thinking as you go.