Plant Proteolysis & Circadian Clock Lab
Protein degradation is critical for maintaining cellular protein homeostasis and therefore cellular functions. Our laboratory mainly studies the protein degradation pathway mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. In this process, E3 ubiquitin ligases bind to the protein to be degraded and mark them with ubiquitins. The ubiquitinated protein is then recognized and degraded by the 26S proteasome. In addition, some ubiquitinated proteins can bind to deubiquitinating enzymes to remove ubiquitins, which stabilizes the protein and prevents it from being degraded by the proteasome.
The balance between ubiquitination and deubiquitination determines the protein level in cells and plays an extremely important role in regulating various biological pathways. Currently, our laboratory focuses on the molecular-level regulation mechanisms of ubiquitination in the plant circadian clock, high-temperature stress, and flowering regulatory pathways.
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Yu-Wen Huang, a master's program graduate, has been admitted to the PhD program at The Australian National University (ANU) with a full scholarship.
M.S. student Yu-Wen Huang received a Merit Award in the Three-Minute Thesis Presentation and Second Place for the Best Master’s Thesis in M.S. student in the 2024 Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists Annual Meeting
M.S. student Zhi-Qing Wu received an Excellence Award in the Poster Competition in the 2024 Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists Annual Meeting
Summer intern Guan-Ying Su won First Place in the final presentation for the NTU Institute of Plant Sciences Summer Research Camp
Summer intern Yao-Yu Tsai won Second Place in the final presentation for the NTU Institute of Plant Sciences Summer Research Camp
M.S. students Yun-Tung Ly and Jia-Yan Wu joined the lab.
Summer interns Yao-Yu Tsai, Guan-Ying Su, and Zhang-Rong Chen joined the lab.
Ph.D. students Ting-Chen Yen and Pin-Yu Lin were awarded NTU’s Direct-Admission-to-PhD Scholarships.
A collaborative HSBP paper is now available online. link
M.S. student Ting-Chen Yen received an Excellence Award in the NTU IPB Degree Thesis Poster Competition
M.S. student Yu-Jean Chen received a Merit Award in the NTU IPB Degree Thesis Poster Competition
Doctoral student Chih-Yen Tseng received scholarships for direct admission to the doctoral program from the National Taiwan University and the Life Sciences.
Undergraduate project students Pin-Yu Lin and Chih-Yen Tseng, as well as master's students Ting-Chen Yen, received doctoral research scholarships from the National Science and Technology Council in the 113th year.
Undergraduate project student Chih-Yen Tseng received the American Society of Plant Biologists Travel Award to participate in the American Society of Plant Biologists Plant Biology 2024 conference.
Assistant Professor Chin-Mei Lee joined the American Society of Plant Biologists Women in Plant Biology Committee.
Undergraduate project student Chih-Yen Tseng directly entered the Ph.D. program at National Taiwan University's Institute of Plant Science.
Undergraduate project student Pin-Yu Lin directly entered the Ph.D. program at National Taiwan University's Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
Master's student Yu-Wen Huang participated in the 2023 Prospective Botany Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium (TJPB2023) poster competition and received an excellent award.
Assistant Professor Chin-Mei Lee received the Teaching Excellence Award at National Taiwan University.
Ph.D. student Yu-Sen Wang received the NTU Diligence Scholarship.
Summer undergraduate students Pin-Yu Lin and Yun-Tung Ly
achieved second place in the results presentation at the NTU Plant Science Summer Camp
Summer undergraduate students Yun-Tung Ly, Shang-Zhu Weng, and Xin-Jie Tseng joined the laboratory.
Master's student Ni-Chiao Tsai completed her master's degree.
Undergraduate student Chih-Yen Tseng received funding from the National Science Council for the creation award in the college student project.
Undergraduate students Pin-Yu Lin and Chih-Yen Tseng received funding from the National Science Council for the college student project.
Ph.D. student Chen-An Chen, master's student Guan-Lin Chuo, and master's student Yu-Wen Huang participated in ICAR2023 and the paper poster competition.
Ph.D. student Yu-Sen Wang was admitted to the Institute of Plant Science's Positive Biotechnology Production Ph.D. program and joined the laboratory.
Master's student Guan-Lin Chuo participated in the NTU Institute of Plant Science poster competition and received an excellent award.
Ph.D. student Chen-An Chen received funding from the National Science Council to participate in ICAR2023.
Master's students Zhi-Qing Wu and Yu-Xuan Huang joined the laboratory.
Ph.D. student Chen-An Chen received support from the NTU College of Life Science International Exchange Center to participate in ICAR2023.
Undergraduate student Chih-Yen Tseng received the NTU President's Award.
Master's student Yu-sen Wang won the first prize for his results report at the summer research camp of the NTU Institute of Plant Science.
Master's student Yu-sen Wang received special honors for his three-minute short speech and poster competition at the annual meeting of the Taiwan Botanical Society.
Doctoral student Chen-An Chen received the NTU Yelin Scholarship.
Master's student Yu-sen Wang completed his master's degree.
Master's students Yu-Jean Chen and Ting-Chen Yen joined the laboratory.
Master's student Chen-An Chen directly advanced to the doctoral program.
Master's student Chen-An Chen received the Dean's Award of the College of Life Science.
Undergraduate students Pin-Yu Lin and Chih-Yen Tseng received grants from the National Science and Technology Council's college student project.
Master's student Chen-An Chen received an outstanding award for the poster competition of the NTU Institute of Plant Science.
Master's student Yu-sen Wang received a commendation award for the poster competition of the NTU Institute of Plant Science.
Undergraduate student Pin-Yu Lin joined the laboratory.
Undergraduate student Chih-Yen Tseng received the second prize for his final report at the summer research camp of the NTU Institute of Plant Science.
Master's students Yu-Jean Chen and Ting-Chen Yen joined the laboratory.
Master's student Ni-Chiao Tsai joined the laboratory.
Undergraduate student Chih-Yen Tseng participated in the photography competition of the Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists and won a silver award.
Master's students Guan-Lin Chuo and Yu-wen Huang joined the laboratory.
Undergraduate student Chih-Yen Tseng received the second prize for his results report at the summer research camp of the NTU Institute of Plant Science.
Undergraduate student Chih-Yen Tseng joined the laboratory.
Postdoctoral researcher Yi-Tsung Tu joined the laboratory.
Master's students Yu-sen Wang and Chen-An Chen joined the laboratory.
Laboratory established.
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