Hugo ChunHo Lin

The one who possesses a true passion for the CS field at NCU.

Hugo ChunHo Lin
Pronouns: he/him

Junior @ ATM, CS, AI
Curriculum Vitae/Resume (March 2023)
My email:

About Me

Hi there, this is Hugo ChunHo Lin. 

I am a junior student majoring in Atmospheric Science and also pursuing second major in Computer Science at National Central University (NCU).  

My primary research interests are OS, Programming Language, Algorithms, Data Mining, Parallel Computing, automation in meteorology.

Outside of school works, I am a member of the @NCUAppTeam responsible for refactoring the user interface and ideating new features, such as product listings, map functionality, etc., to provide an application for use by all faculty and students at NCU.

I am currently working as TAs in the course "Freshman English" at NCU, while also developing a Line Bot with a real-time ordering system.

Shortcuts of my daily life.

©2023  Hugo H. Lin
Reach out to me: 
