遠距教學常見問題 FAQ

Remote Courses FAQ

[重要] 能不能使用 Zoom?

[Important] Can I Use Zoom?

目前各級學校全面禁用 Zoom 視訊軟體,相關資訊請參考教育部對 Zoom 資安疑慮後續處置說明

Zoom, the Video Conference Software, is currently banned by all schools and institutions. For more information, please visit the Ministry of Education Website for the concern of Zoom's security issues.

如何啟用我的 G Suite 教育版?

How to Activate my G Suite for Education?

  1. 登入 iNCCU 之後,點選畫面右上角「個人設定」。

Log in to iNCCU, then click personal settings.

  1. 於進階設定欄位中, G Suite 後面點選「啟用」。

In advance settings, click activate that is behind G Suite.

  1. 根據畫面說明進行後續操作。

Follow the instructions on the website for further details.

可參考電算中心啟用 G Suite 說明

Please refer to the Instructions on Activating the G Suite by the Computer Center.


What Should I Do When I Encounter Unstable Internet Connection or Slowdown?


  1. 使用有線網路連線

  2. 若連線品質持續不佳,可先請學生關閉視訊鏡頭,維持教師授課通訊品質。

  3. 搭配使用手機4G、5G網路。'

  4. 關閉不必要的分頁及應用程式。

Distance Learning requires stable, and high quality internet connection from the instructors and the students. It is recommended to follow the below steps:

  1. Use Cable Internet Access.

  2. If the connection remains unstable, it is recommended to ask the students to turn off their cameras in order to maintain the instructor's video quality.

  3. Use of the 4G or 5G cellular connections is advised.

  4. Close all the unnecessary apps in the background and tabs on the browser.


What to Do If a Group Discussion is Preferred During Remote Learning?

建議老師使用Cisco Webex,內有分組功能。

Cisco Webex is recommended as it has group discussion function.


How to Choose the Suitable Online Conference Software for Synchronous Courses?


    • 若課堂同時在線人數低於 100 人,建議使用 Google Meet。

    • 若課堂同時在線人數在 100 人以上,建議使用政大 WebEX、Microsoft Teams。

The Design of the Course and the Number of Participants Should be Considered:

  • Google Meet is recommended if the participants are less than 100.

  • NCCU WebEX and Microsoft Teams are recommended if the participants exceed 100.

為什麼我的 Google Meet 不能分組?

Why Can't I Make Groups on Google Meet?

目前政大 G Suite 方案中的 Google Meet 沒有分組功能。

如果要在會議中再進行小型分組討論,建議可使用政大 WebEX 或 Microsoft Teams。

Such function isn't available with the NCCU G Suite plan with Google Meet.

If group discussions are preferred, it is recommended to use NCCU WebEX or Microsoft Teams.


Will Recording the Video Courses in Advance (Asynchronous Course) be Allowed?


There are two types of Distance Education: Synchronous and Asynchronous. Instructors are advised to use their best judgements on deciding which type will be best suited for the course based on their particular situation.

Google Meet 的連結是固定的嗎?

Are the Google Meet Links Permanent?

每場會議都會獲得一組專屬的會議代碼,會議代碼的到期時間會因建立的產品而異。請參考google helper center之說明,以確認會議代碼是否失效。

Each meeting consists its unique meeting code; Each code has its expiration depending on the product itself. Please refer to Google Help Center to ensure the validity of the code.


How to Ensure the Attendance of the Students?



Synchronous Courses:

You may ask the students to keep the camera turned on during the course or pick a student randomly to have a discussion.



Asynchronous Courses:

Online Pop Quizzes are recommended to ensure the students have gone through the course.

檔案放到 Moodle 上的相關限制

File Upload Limits on Moodle

  • Moodle 上傳單一檔案限制為 100 MB。

  • Moodle limits an upload of 100MB per file

  • 如要上傳影音資料,請上傳至雲端資料庫後,再嵌入 Moodle。

  • If you are uploading a video file, please upload it to the Cloud first, then embed it on to Moodle.

  • 雲端資料庫內容嵌入 Moodle 可參考教學影片

  • Please watch the Instruction on how to upload files to the Cloud.

  • 教材使用請尊重智慧財產權,可參考相關說明

  • Please remember not to infringe copyrighted materials, for further information, please visit the website.