Notice on Intellectual Property of

Online Teaching Course

It is important for the instructors to ensure that all the teaching materials are free of copyright infringement. That being said, please use the copyrighted materials legally, and do periodically check the expirations of the copyrighted materials on the e-Learning websites. Please remove and delete such expired materials in a timely manner in order to prevent copyright infringement. Copyright infringement could bring about civil and criminal charges, please be mindful and cautious using such materials.

Do not use any copyrighted materials (e.g., PowerPoint slides, ebooks, e-manuals, e-workbooks, etc) that are not granted authorization officially and legally from the copyright holders, on the WM5, Moodle or any other websites.

Please follow the guidelines below in order to prevent violating and infringing copyright holders’ exclusive rights such as “reproducing,” “creating derivative works,” and “performing and displaying the work:”

  1. Remove such unauthorized materials and PowerPoint files immediately.

  2. Please do not use the PowerPoint slides provided by the textbook dealers/distributors without official authorization from the copyright holders (this includes both the original and edited versions) on the e-learning websites.

  3. Please do not use teaching materials and PowerPoint slides, and any other e-format resources without official authorization from the copyright holders on your personal website.

  4. Please do not use nor edit the teaching materials from the textbook dealers/distributors, and claim to have composed such material yourself, and distribute to the students (be it free or monetized)

  • Copyright Hotline::
    Center of Innovation Director Cheng 02-29393091 extension:69348