The focus of this page is to provide an overview of Clever, how to use it, and key strategies for using with students. The heart of designing learning is founded on what supports students in their learning journey. Integration of Clever will look different in the classroom practices of different teachers.

💖Take what you like, leave what doesn’t fit, modify what is useful.


  • Clever offers single sign on to KPBSD programs.

  • Clever offers an organized and personalized dashboard of programs.

  • All KPBSD devices have direct access to Clever through the Chrome extension, Desktop Shortcuts, Managed Bookmarks or iOS Web Clip.

I can access Clever.

Chromebooks & PCs:

  1. Managed Bookmarks

  2. Desktop Shortcut

  3. Chrome extension (You will have to enter school)

  4. Badges - K-3 only (Directions for Clever Badges)


  1. Clever Webclip on the homescreen (Directions Getting to Clever on a District iPad)

  2. Badges - K-3 only (Directions for Clever Badges)

*THREE Important Notes:

  1. The iOS downloadable Clever App requires Badges.

  2. Device must have a camera to use Badges.

  3. This ONLY applies to KPBSD managed devices.

  4. For iPads, the iReady Connect for Students app is required for iReady login to work. iReady directions for iPads.

I can personalize my dashboard.


You can 💖 apps from the District and App Library for them to appear on your homepage.

App Library:

There is a library of applications that are available in Clever. NOT all apps are available for our District. District-wide apps and popular/commonly used free apps are available for adding.

*If you see an app that you want added put in a Helpdesk ticket for review.

Just you Page:

This page is not seen by students and can be populated with the items that you use on a daily basis, so Clever is personalized for your use if it serves you.


You can change the image, title, and description of your class page.

Adding apps:

You can add the apps that you need by clicking Create and Share, then searching for the App. Two important details... (second video)

  1. District added LINKS (like Powerschool) are available on the student dashboard in District links. They will not show up in the search. If you want to add the link to your page, you can do that directly.

  2. Content specific apps like Lexia and iReady will ONLY show up in the search IF you have students enrolled in a section in Powerschool for that content area.

I can use it in the classroom.

How Students use Clever

Personalizing as a Learning Dashboard

Have students favorite your teacher page! This will make it show up at the top of their dashboard. Have them favorite/unfavorite items that they need temporarily, so that it is up to date for their uses.

Projects & Materials

Consider using Clever as a dashboard for specific projects by organizing materials for them all in one place.

Station Rotations

Consider using Clever as a station in your lessons and apply the transition protocol to access specific items.

A note about transitions... Teach and practice the process of getting in and out of the devices, Clever and apps that they are using. Build the systems to work fluently for kids and your purposes.

I know where to find more resources.

Learning doesn't have to stop with the basics! If you are inspired to continue on with more on the basics, connecting with others, or a deep dive... Go for it!

Connecting with District Resources

Nikki Stein - iChoice Primary Teacher

Melissa Linton - Curriculum Coordinator

Amanda Adams - PD Coordinator/Ed Tech