KPBSD Champs

Teacher Leaders passionate about supporting students and each other!

We are so glad you are here! 💖​

Group Decision - Dates for Workshops - 10/3, 12/2, 2/3, 3/31

Course Credit and Weekly Activities - Coming soon in Canvas course!

Meet the Leadership Team!

Learn more about us!

Who are we?

Who are we? Teacher Leaders representing the 42 schools in the district passionate about creating learning experiences kids! Our mission is to continue to expand impactful practices and our understanding of personalized learning as a foundation to design learning experiences in our schools. We achieve this through participating in our Champ Community of Practice with the shared experiences of our learning journey and sharing our new understandings with our home schools. We are determined to have continuous growth and innovation in our teaching practices. ​

A Champ functions in 2 capacities...

  1. As a member in a community of practice that leads innovative practices in their schools and across the district along with reflecting on successes and challenges and providing a support system for problem solving and innovating.

  2. As a site-based leader with a strong voice working to drive reflective practice in collaboration with their school staff.

Our Community of Practice has 3 levels...

Supporting our learning as individuals

Supporting our learning in small Focus Groups

Supporting our work as a collective

The Champ Commitment

  • Serve in a leadership role at their school

  • Serve as an onsite resource for innovative practices

  • Attend quarterly events (webinars + workshops)

  • Facilitate regular turnkeying of content and strategies connected to site-based goals

  • Take 2 2-credit courses over the course of the year (Optional)

**Time spent for commitments bulleted above culminate in credit-course requirements.**


  • Enriching student learning experiences! 💖​

  • Resume building

  • Enriching teaching practice

  • Participating in a thriving community

  • Honing facilitation skills

  • Building leadership capacity

  • Contribute to the growth of self, school, district, and each other

Scope of Work

Quarter 1

Outcomes: Turn-key content, be active in our community, attend workshop


  • Building Community of Practice

  • Identifying resources

  • Identifying needs

  • Sharing/Turnkeying

Quarter 2

Outcomes: Turn-key content, be active in our community, attend workshop, submit log for course credit


  • Deepening Community of Practice

  • Building Resource Bank

  • Formulating short and long term action steps

  • Sharing/Turnkeying

Quarter 3

Outcomes: Turn-key content, be active in our community, attend workshop, learning walk


  • Utilizing Community of Practice

  • Making Connections and Deepening Practice

  • Designing Sustainability

  • Sharing/Turnkeying

Quarter 4

Outcomes: Turn-key content, be active in our community, attend workshop, submit log for course credit


  • Relying on Community of Practice

  • Synthesizing Connections and Concepts into Practice

  • Sustainable practices in place

  • Sharing/Turnkeying

Course Information

Credit Course Information

You can receive credit for the work you do as a Champ in the form of 2 2-credit courses! The district will cover the cost of the courses. They are approved for salary advancement in KPBSD and can be used for re-certification.

Course 1 Outcomes:

  • Identify components of developing a community of practice

  • Identify patterns and needs for innovation at school level

  • ​Formulate short and long term action steps for contribution to innovative school culture

  • Analyze needs on multiple levels (personal practice, school trends, community of practice development)

Course 2 Outcomes:

  • Modify & construct new practices based on reflection

  • Illustrate strategies for leading reflective discussions

  • ​Distinguish areas for deepening practice

  • Synthesize Core Four concepts for application in practice

  • Design sustainability practices in tandem with school team