States and Capitals Quiz- Once you get onto the site, click PLAY! Good luck! Show Mrs. Beck your score once you finish!

Teacher read aloud books this year:
Aug-Sept: The Poet's Dog by Patricia MacLachlan
Oct-Nov: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Dec. Wonder by R.J. Palacio
Jan. Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen
Eliza's Freedom Road by Jerdine Nolen
The Lion Who Stole my Arm by Nicola Davies
Alien's Ate my Homeowrk by Bruce Coville
Letters from Rifka by Karen Hesse

What can YOU do this week to show kindness? 

Challenge: Make a list of things you can do to be kind. Check an item off once you've accomplished it. See how many you completed by the end of the week and share it on our "What's Going on in 310" bulletin!

Mrs. Beck's contact information: 


phone: 701.446.8068

My office hours are Monday-Friday, 2:30-3:00. 

Beck Bucks
$300 Incentives (1 per week)

*Coffeehouse on any day  (make during lunch)
*Stay in for Recess on T or Th
*Bring a stuffed animal        
*Wear a hat in the classroom all day 
*Lunch buddy     

Mrs. Beck's Family 

Linken is our husky mix. Lulu is a Rex and Lily is a Satin.

My husband's name is Coty. He is the Middle School/High School P.E. Teacher. 

My kids are Landen (7th grade), Layken (5th grade), and Lawsen (4th grade).

Intro to Geography Skills (Weeks 0-2): 

5 themes of geography

Reading globes


Maps to show distance
Political maps
Physical maps
Elevation maps

Using a grid
Maps that show events 

Directions: Read the questions on your worksheet for each section. Watch each video and answer the questions. If you need to, pause the video or go back in the video.

Sugar and Stamp Act: In the time period immediately after the French and Indian War, the British began to attempt to enforce more strict regulations on the American colonists. Their attemps were met with the renaissance. 

1. How big was the British debt after the French and Indian War?
2. True or False: The Sugar Act increased taxes on molasses.
3. Why did the colonists argue that these taxes were unfair?
4. How did colonists view the repeals of the Sugar and Stamp Acts?
5. Why do you think the colonists reacted more strongly to the Stamp Act than to the Sugar Act? 

1. How many British troops were occupying Boston by 1770?
2. What were many of the colonists carrying with them outside the Customs House?
3. How many colonists were killed at the scene? How many were mortally wounded and died later?
4. Who defended the British Troops in their trial?
5. TRUE OR FALSE: All of the British soldiers were found guilty of murder. 

The Boston Massacre: On the evening of March 5, 1770, shots rang out on King Street in Boston. The event that came to be known as the Boston Massacre would eventually lead to a revolution. 

Battle of Lexington and Concord: The first shots of the American Revolution were fired here on the morning of April 19, 1775. Although a small battle compared to later engagements during the war this battle was significant as it started the American Revolution. 

Questions below:

1. What was another name for the Massachusetts militia?
2. What is militia?
3. Why was the first shot called "The Shot Heard 'Round the World"?
4. After the battle of Lexington and Concord the militia began to lay siege to what city?
5. What do you think the reaction was in Britain when they heard the news of the battles? What about in the rest of the colonies? 

1. What does Jefferson basically say to Britain at the beginning of the Declaration?
2. Why was the phrase, "All men are created equal" very hypocritical?
3. Where did Jefferson say our rights come from? Why is this important?
4. According to Jefferson where does the government get its power from? 

1. What was the last major battle or conflict during the American Revolution?
2. How did new Prime Minister Lord Shelburne view the peace negotiations?
3. Who were the American negotiators that signed the treaty?
4. What treaty eventually settled problems that arose out of the Treaty of Paris?
5. Why do you think the Americans and British did not follow every part of the treaty's terms? 

Civil War Basics

1. Which side, North or South, had a larger population?

2. Why did the Confederacy develop a different flag to carry into battle?

3. Why did Confederates many times not wear official uniforms?

4. What was the focus of the eastern theater and western theater of the war?

5. Can you think of another basic question you have about the war? 

Read the questions before watching the video! Write down the questions, then answer in complete sentences.

Discussion Questions for Dear America: A Picture of Freedom

1. After watching A Picture of Freedom, what is one thing you learned about slavery that you didn’t know before? 

2. Early in the diary, as Clotee describes Mas’ Henley, Miz Lilly, and life on the plantation, she writes, “If mean was a tree, it would grow tall here at Belmont.” What did she mean? 

3. If you had been a slave on Belmont Plantation, would you rather have worked in the fields, in the big house, or in the stables? Defend your reasons. 

4. Do you think it is worse to offer people gifts and rewards to tattle on their friends like Mas’ Henley and Miz Lilly did, or to become a traitor like Missy and Hince when they informed on fellow slaves and on Mr. Harms? Does it matter that Hince’s reasons appeared to be more important? 

5. As an adult, William Henley wrote a letter to Clotee that said, “Through education Mr. Harms did more to destroy slavery than all the laws on the books could legislate.” Why did William think that education is so powerful? 

6. Many slave owners believed that the slaves were happy living as they did. One of the arguments that the masters used as proof was that the slaves sang and played music all the time. After reading Clotee’s diary, do you believe this argument?