Kingston Elementary
Library Learning Commons
Policies & Procedures
Kindergarteners may have 1 book checked out.
1st - 5th graders may have 2 books checked out.
eBooks do not count in your total items checked out.
If you need additional books for a class project, let Mrs. Thompson know.
library visits
You're welcome to visit the Library if you need to exchange books before your next Library time.
Make sure you have permission from your teacher.
Be responsible, respectful and ready.
lost Books
If you lose or damage a book, you are responsible for the replacement cost.
You can bring cash or a check to school to pay for the book.
An email will be sent to your parents every Monday if you have an overdue book.
Meet the Staff
Mrs. Thompson
My name is Michelle Thompson. I have been the KES librarian since 1999. Prior to that, I was a Kindergarten teacher.
fun facts:
I have lived in Conway my entire life. I love the beach and the river. I love Mexican food. I love the Gamecocks.
favorite book genres:
Historical Fiction~Drama~Really any book
Mrs. Westbury
My name is Renee Westbury. I have been the Library Assistant for 6 years. I have worked for 20 years in Horry County Schools.
fun facts:
I live on the river and I have a garden. I have 2 sons,1 daughter in law and 5 grandchildren.
favorite book genres: Christian fiction