

Browse and interact with an assortment of mathematical curiosities.

KME Virtual Escape Room 

To participate in the latest KME Escape Room select the following link:

KME Escape Room 

Historical Exhibits

Historical Exhibit

Visitors can view and read about more than 60 math-related items in the museum. Calculating devices, quotes from famous mathematicians, mathematical texts from the 1800s, manipulatives and other items make up this portion of Mathellaneous.

Math Puzzles


Visitors can put their math skills to the test with various hands-on math puzzles and manipulatives to work through. Figure out how to “Cross the Moat” or solve the “Missing Square” paradox in the workspace of Mathellaneous

Visit Us

Visit us

ESU’s Department of Mathematics & Economics invites schools, math clubs, homeschoolers or anyone who would be interested in visiting Mathellaneous or one of the other Science Hall museums to fill out the form at:

Math Faculty at ESU Timeline

Hours and location 

Monday - Thursday: 9 am – 10 pm

Friday: 9 am – 5 pm

Mathellaneous is located in Brighton Hall, BL 190, just inside Science Hall at the bottom of the long ramp.

Note: BL190 contains a few stairs. Let us know if you will need an accommodation to visit.

Welcome to Mathellaneous


At all adds up.

This unique experience located at Emporia State University gives visitors the opportunity to interact with historical exhibits, puzzles, contests, and more--all centered on the exciting topic of MATH!

Learn more about the Math and Economics Department at ESU

Explore our Undergraduate and Graduate programs in Math and Economics

Finding Us on Campus

Mathellaneous is located in Brighton Hall, which is adjacent to Cram Science Hall on the west side of campus.

Parking and Campus Maps