Application for Creating an Honors Course

Application for Creating an Honors Course 

Instructors may create Honors sections of current courses, or may propose new Honors courses. Department chair approval is necessary for applications to be considered. Honors versions of currently existing courses will not require university-wide curriculum review. 

Part I: Guidance 

Prior to preparing a proposal to create an Honors course, the instructor should carefully read Honors Courses at Emporia State University: Guidelines for Instructors. Honors course applications should align with the letter and spirit of that guideline. Given the importance of developing an Honors curriculum consistent with these characteristics, including one that is “tailored to fit” ESU and the Honors College’s “culture and mission,” the Honors College Dean at Emporia State University in consultation with faculty and students has determined that Honors courses should: 

1. be measurably broader, deeper, or more complex than comparable courses; 

2. promote community engagement, civic leadership, and/or the pursuit of the common good; 

3. include a distinctive learner-directed environment and philosophy; 

4. help students develop effective written, oral, and/or interpersonal communication skills; 

5. help students become independent and critical thinkers; 

6. develop collaborative relationships between students and faculty AND students and each other; 

7. result, if feasible, in the production of a scholarly or creative product suitable for sharing with others outside of class through some scholarly venue. 

While it is not reasonable to expect each Honors course to satisfy each of the seven objectives listed above, it is expected that instructors design and teach courses in such a way as to include as many of them as appropriate for the course. It is expected that all courses will address Objectives 1 and 2, and at least 2 other objectives as deemed appropriate by the instructor. 

Part II: Application 

All proposals should include the following information: 

1. Name, title, and contact information for person submitting request 

2. Course information: number, title, section, credit hours 

3. Course instructor 

4. Semester(s) course will be offered 

5. General course description or syllabus. 

6. Description of how the course will meet Objectives 1 and 2 from the guidance section above: 

• Describe the ways that you will make this course broader, deeper, or more complex than a regular course. 

• Describe how the experience will include either civic leadership, community engagement, or advance the common good. 

7. Identify additional objectives (at least two selected from Objectives 3-7 in the guidance section above) and describe how those objectives will be met. 

8. Description of strategies the instructor will employ for sharing the responsibility for teaching and learning with the students. 

Part III: Procedure 

1. Submit the application for consideration (2 semesters before the course will be taught) to the Dean of the Honors College (or the Executive Associate) at

2. The Dean of the Honors College will review each submission. In the process of review, if additional information is needed, the Dean will contact the submitting party. The Dean will determine if this honors course will be approved or denied.

3. Once approved, the department will be responsible for creating the course. All Honors courses should be designated section letter plus Z (AZ, BZ, etc.) and have the same number of credits as the regular section of the course. All Honors courses should be designated “instructor approval required.” The class cap should be set at a maximum of 25. The Office of the Registrar will assist in this process. Highly motivated students who are not members of the Honors College can be added into the course on an individual basis at the instructor’s discretion. However, priority should be given to Honors College students. 

Part IV: Assessment All instructors of contract courses will be required to provide assessment data to the Honors College within 30 days of the end of the semester in which the course was taught. Data will be collected electronically through Compliance Assist. Data should measure course effectiveness in meeting the stated Honors College objectives listed above. Presently, there is no standardized rubric or other measurement instrument that instructors will be required to use; rather, instructors should use embedded assessments such as course assignments, tests, and other graded requirements. 

Compensation for Creating and Teaching Honors Courses 

Creating: Instructors will be compensated for creating an Honors course. Compensation is paid when the course is taught and amounts may vary based on budgetary constraints and Honors College needs. Instructors will be compensated only once for creating a course. Contact the Honors College office for more information. 

Teaching: Instructors will also be compensated each semester they teach the course. Compensation amounts may vary based on budgetary constraints, the number of students enrolled, and Honors College needs (please see the "Honors Contract Guidelines for Instructors" for compensation information). Compensation will be adjusted proportionately for creating and teaching courses with fewer than 3 credits, or more than 3 credits and based on enrollment in these courses. Contact the Honors College office for more information. 

Rev. 5-29-2024