Glossary of Terms

  • Active Assignments – view instructor’s active courses for current term
  • Assignment History – view instructor’s courses in past terms
  • Course Schedule – view all courses offered for selected term
  • Detail Class List – view instructor’s course assignments and detailed course roster
  • Registration Overrides – allows instructor to submit registration overrides for specific student(s)
  • Summary Class List – summary of course and roster
  • Add/Drop Classes – make changes to student registration
  • Advisee Grade Summary – view grades for advisee list
  • Advisee Listing – view instructor’s advisee list
  • Advisor-Look Up Classes – search all courses
  • CRN Selection – view instructor’s course within a term
  • Faculty Detail Schedule – view instructor’s schedule
  • Week at a Glance – view instructor’s weekly schedule by day and time
  • Course Catalog – view all courses offered at ESU
  • Syllabus Information – view syllabus information for instructor’s course assignments