Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics

(Yasu Festa 60)

Date: July 24-28, 2023

Venue: Lecture Hall, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, the University of Tokyo (in person)

Here is an instruction on how to come to our campus in Tokyo.


The videos of talks are available here.


Dietmar Bisch (Vanderbilt)

Sebastiano Carpi (Rome) slides

Benoit Collins (Kyoto)

David Evans (Cardiff)

Terry Gannon (U Alberta) slides

Bin Gui (Tsinghua) slides

Yusuke Isono (Kyoto) slides

Masaki Izumi (Kyoto) slides

David Kerr (Muenster)

Zhengwei Liu (Tsinghua) slides

Roberto Longo (Rome) slides

Yoshiko Ogata (Tokyo)

Narutaka Ozawa (Kyoto) slides

David Penneys (Ohio State)

Sorin Popa (UCLA) slides

Yuhei Suzuki (Hokkaido) slides

Yuji Tachikawa (Kavli IPMU) slides

Yoh Tanimoto (Rome)

James Tener (ANU)

Feng Xu (UC Riverside)

Makoto Yamashita (Oslo)

Mayuko Yamashita (Kyoto)


All participants are kindly asked to fill in the registration form here until July 19.

If you will join our dinner party on Wednesday, please visit here.

The registration is closed.


Yoshikata Kida (Tokyo)

Toshihiko Masuda (Kyushu, Chair) 

Yoshiko Ogata (Tokyo) 

Narutaka Ozawa (Kyoto) 

Reiji Tomatsu (Waseda)

Contact: yasu60festa#gmail.com

(Replace # with at mark.)

Supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP19H00640, JP22H01127.