Online international workshop

Recent Developments on Multipole Moments in Quantum Systems

May 11 & 12 (2020) via Zoom


  • Bulk quadrupole and higher-order multipole moments in insulating states

  • Application to quadrupole insulators and higher-order topological insulators

  • Other related topics are all welcome

Invited Speakers (and their talk slides)

  • Junyeong Ahn (RIKEN, Japan)

  • Wladimir A. Benalcazar (Penn State University, USA) slides

  • Satoru Hayami (University of Tokyo, Japan)

  • Taylor L. Hughes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

  • Byungmin Kang (Korea Institute for Advanced Study, South Korea) slides

  • Shuichi Murakami (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) slides

  • Raquel Queiroz (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) slides

  • Bitan Roy (Lehigh University, USA)

  • Luka Trifunovic (University of Zürich, Switzerland) slides

  • David Vanderbilt (Rutgers University, USA)

  • Yizhi You (Princeton University, USA) slides


  • Gil Young Cho (POSTECH, South Korea)

  • Haruki Watanabe (University of Tokyo, Japan)

Registered participants


  • To listen to the talks and participate in the discussions, please register via the following google form. We will send you the Zoom URL via email once it is ready.

  • If you register, your name and institute will be added to the list of participants above. This way, all of us, including speakers and those participating in the discussions, know who are in the audience.

  • Talks and discussions are limited to those registered only. Please do not share the Zoom URL with others.

  • There might be an upper limit for the number of audience at one time.

This workshop is supported by the following research grants: