International Joint Workshop
on Slow Earthquakes 2021

Amended on Sep. 13, 2021

WS Date: September 14 (Tue.) - 16 (Thu.)
*Sessions will be slotted between 9 AM and 6 PM (JST).

Pre-Event: September 13 (Mon.) 12:30~14:30 (JST) on spatial chat

Social Party: September 14 (Tue.) 19:00~ (JST) on spatial chat

Business Meeting: September 16 (Thu.) 15:30~16:50 (In Japanese, project member only)

WS Style: Online (announced to the participants on Aug. 19)

Language: English

Fee: Free

Program/Abstracts, etc.

Information for participating the WS

*Following information is to be distributed to the participants by email.

  • File upload form (distributed on Sep. 10)

  • Google Drive for viewing uploaded files (distributed on Sep. 10)

  • Zoom ID for oral sessions (distributed on Sep. 10)

  • Zoom ID for poster sessions (distributed on Sep. 10)

  • Spatial chat access information for the pre-event/social party (distributed on Sep. 10)

  • Poster core time spreadsheet (both for input/view)

Important Dates

  • Presentation Deadline: August 2 (Mon.)--- CLOSED -> Registration is open till the day before the WS for participation only (no presentation) (Link to the registration form)

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: August 20 (Fri.) ---how to submit has been informed to the presenters by email. (Abstract template)
    Please set your file name as [Session Number]_[First Name]_[Last Name].pdf, for example, A01_Kazushige_Obara.pdf

  • Program Open: September 3

  • File Upload: Anytime as needed

To the Presenters

  • Please check your finalized presentation style and presentation schedule in the program (Program updated on Sep. 6).

To All the Participants

  • All the participants no matter whether you will present are able to upload files. For details, please refer to the the section "File Upload."

  • Please turn off the video and mute the microphone while you are in zoom unless you have any comments or questions. Please display your full name (ex: OBARA_Kazushige).

Oral Presentation

  • Tool to be used: Zoom

  • The duration of an oral presentation is 15min. (12min. presentation, 3min. Q&A).

  • Bell rings 3 times at 10 min. (Wrap up your talk), 12 min. (Stop your talk and start discussion) and 15 min. (Stop discussion).

  • Information will be set in a breakout room in Zoom. Test the connection during the break before your session by accessing it as needed.

  • Turn the video and unmute the microphone on while presenting.

  • Time count will be displayed on zoom.

To the chair persons

  • Place [Chair] in front of your displayed name as you enter the session where you are assigned the chairman. (ex. [Chair]_OBARA_Kazushige)

  • You will be assigned a co-host of zoom.

  • Please mute the microphone unless you make any announcement to the audience. Please turn on the video and remind the presenter of remained time as a presentation duration is about the end.

To the Audience of the Oral Sessions

  • Please always turn off the video and mute the microphone.

  • Unmute the microphone and turn on the video when you ask a question after a presentation. as the chairman allows you to talk.

Poster Presentation

  • Online poster presentations will be conducted using Zoom breakout rooms. You can choose any format of the contents (PDF, PPT, video, etc.) to share in the breakout room. For file uploading, please refer to the last section of this site.

  • Time slot for the poster sessions is dispersed to the morning, afternoon and evening (Japan time) on each day of the WS period so please set your presentation time (core time) in the core time spreadsheet (URL will be distributed by email). Your total core time during the WS is advisably at least 1 hour. TheĀ  frequency and time of the presentation is not limited.

  • Start presentation as the core time starts by sharing the contents.

  • All the breakout rooms will be closed at 18:00 (JST) for all the 3 days. Closing announce will be made 10 minutes before the time.

  • Chat is available in Zoom.

To the Audience of the Online Poster Sessions

  • Poster sessions will take place in Zoom breakout room.

  • For the schedule of each presentation, please refer to Google Spreadsheet (Workshop on Slow Earthquakes 2021 Poster Core Time) distributed by email on Sep. 3.

  • Check whether there is an adequate number of people in each breakout room before you enter.

  • As entering the room, turn on the video, unmute the microphone and start discussion. You can share your own contents for discussion as needed.

  • All the breakout rooms will be closed at 18:00 (JST) for all the 3 days. Closing announce will be made 10minutes before the time.

File Upload

  • File upload is optional.

  • Google Drive will be used for uploading and shared to the participants.

  • Google account is requested for uploading.

  • All the participants no matter whether you will present are able to upload files.

  • You can upload your choice of file style (PDF, PPT, Video, etc.).

  • File naming rule is as follows;

In English: Presentation number_LAST NAME_First name.pdf, pptx, docx, mp4, etc.

In Japanese: Presentation number_LAST NAME_First name_Japanese.pdf, pptx, docx, mp4, etc.

  • In case you are not a presenter, put "Other" instead of presentation number.

  • Google account holders can make comments to the uploaded materials by clicking + in the balloon on the upper right.

Remarks on Onsite WS (Click to expand, FYI)

For overseas participants: For those who are located overseas, online participation only. Those who stay in Japan for other purposes during the WS period can participate either onsite or online. You can change the participation status from the confirmation email sent by Google depending on the latest condition.

Onsite Venue: Nara Kasugano International Forum (Google Map)

WS Style: Online (announced to the participants on Aug. 19) Hybrid (Onsite/Online) (tentatively decided on July 12). The final decision will be made around August 22, when the state of emergency declared for Tokyo is supposed to be lifted. It is subject to change in case the conditions change after the decision.

Participation Status

  • You can always change the participation status (Onsite, Online and Not attending) in consideration with the latest condition.

Determination Criteria of Onsite WS

  • Small social gatherings (50-100 people) and travel between prefectures are not restricted at the venue (Nara prefecture) and LOC (Tokyo) by a state of emergency.

Anti-COVID-19 measures by LOC

  • The hall for the oral session can accommodate 400 people so around 120 participants (average number from the past WSs) can keep social distance there.

  • Doors of the hall will be always open for ventilation.

  • Poster panels will be arranged to keep enough social distance.

  • Lunchbox will be served each day. Keep social distance while eating. Participation/lunch are free of charge.

  • No coffee break. Bottled water will be served.

  • No social party.

Remarks for onsite participants

  • Accommodation is expected to be booked on your own.

  • Prevent resurgence at your own risk when you dine out.

  • Follow the standard set by the institute/municipality you belong.

  • Cancel your onsite attendance in case the epidemic condition changes, or you feel uncomfortable.

  • In case you cancel onsite attendance, consider the online presentation, if possible.

  • Please refer to MHLW Anti-COVID-19 instruction.

Travel Support

  • Travel support covers transfer within Japan.

  • Those who need travel support can fill in the registration form. Otherwise, contact

  • Those who fly to Osaka, for example, purchase the flex ticket which is free of cancellation charge. Travel support including airfare, other means of transfer, accommodation, and daily expense will be transferred to your banking account after the WS.

Nursing Support

  • For those who accompany little child(ren) to the venue, we will provide nursery service and cover the expense.

  • For those who need nursing service at home during the evening online sessions, we will cover the expense for the service.

  • Check the relevant item in the registration form. Details will be informed by the LOC.


  • Office and LOC of "Science of Slow Earthquakes" project (See contact at the bottom of the official website)

This workshop is co-organized by: