Hisaichi SHIBATA, Ph.D.

From the website title "Eternal Postdoc #DEFINE," the following meanings or themes can be inferred:

1. **Eternal Postdoc**: This phrase potentially signifies an "everlasting postdoc" or "never-ending postdoc experience." Given that a postdoc refers to a temporary research position one takes after obtaining their Ph.D., this might highlight the challenges, longevity, or nuances of being in such a position.

2. **#DEFINE**: This segment can be interpreted as an indication of "definition," reminiscent of the preprocessor directive "#define" found in programming languages like C or C++. In this context, it implies the act of "defining" something.

When combined, the entire title might imply the act of "defining the experiences, challenges, and duration of being a postdoc" or "defining oneself through the perpetual journey or quest of being a postdoc." This website might offer insights or information about the experiences, challenges, accomplishments, and self-definition one encounters in the postdoc journey.

If you have questions on me or this site, please feel free to contact via e-mail (sh@g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp). 

If you like, stay closely connected with me. Enjoy!!