To drop off lunch, water bottles, snacks, student items, etc… please use the cubbies in the front foyer. Email your child’s teacher to let them know you left something for your child. Teachers will send students to grab their item out of the cubbies at an appropriate time.
Volunteers are welcomed & valued! All volunteers will need to be processed through the district volunteer form prior to being on campus.
Lunch visitors will check in at the front desk prior to their child’s lunch.
Campus closed to lunch visitors on Mondays
The cafeteria will open for lunch visitors in September 9th. We want to spend the first few weeks getting our students acclimated to schoolwide expectations and lunchroom procedures before we invite guests into our building. Thank you for understanding! This year there will NOT be assigned days to eat with your child. After September 9th, you may have lunch with your child Tuesday-Friday. This year we will have a designated visitor table for lunch. You and your child are invited to sit at this designated table, you may not include other children with you.