Parent & Student

Engagement Classes

Parent & Student Engagement Classes 

Denton ISD believes that a positive parent-child relationship is the core of a healthy and productive family. Our goal is to provide recurring classes on child and adolescent development with parental support in hopes that it will strengthen our families during this difficult time. We hope this will set a foundation for families to be strong, resourceful and connected and benefit the community as a whole.

What are parent & student engagement classes and what does it entail?

Please see the "Schedule & Topics for 2023-2024 Classes" section below for a breakdown of what each class will be covering for the year.

Parent & Student Engagement Classes are held at Fred Moore High School every Thursday evening, starting at 6pm.  NO RESERVATION REQUIRED!

Classes are taught in both English and Spanish.

Schedule & Topics for 2023-2024 Classes

Understanding Developmental Stages

Entender las estapas de desarrollo

Improving Communication 


Conflict Resolution 

Tecnicas de rsolucion de conflictos

Anxiety & Depression

Ansiedad y Depresion

Elementary Developmental Issues

Asuntos de desarrollo

Secondary Developmental Issues

Problemas de la Adolescencia

Love & Logic

Ser Padres con Amor y Logica

Decision Making & Problem Solving

Toma de decisiones y Habilidades de resolucion de problemas

Classes Only For Students

Adulting 101 (Students only)