Research Lessons

*Scroll down for video lessons.

Lesson: Accessing & Using the Online Catalog OPAC

Description: Search the Online Library Catalog for print and electronic books. Place a hold on a book you want to check out.

Materials Needed: Computer

Lesson: Circle Map

Description: To brainstorm and create a list of keywords, phrases, and general resources for researching inquiry topic

Materials Needed: Paper, Pen / Pencil

Lesson: Boolean Operators for Research

Description: How to obtain more productive and focused search results using Boolean operators with keywords

Materials Needed: Paper, Pen / Pencil

Lesson: Locating Resource & Evaluating Sources

Description: How to locate and evaluate electronic and print resources

Materials Needed: Computer with internet access

Lesson: Britannica: Citing Sources & Skimming

Description: How to use the Britannica database articles, videos, images and utilize the accessibility tools, cite sources, and skimming articles for relevant information

Materials Needed: Computer with internet access

Lesson: Gale & Citing Sources & Skimming

Description: How to use the Gale database articles, videos, images and utilize the accessibility tools, cite sources, and skimming articles for relevant information

Materials Needed: Computer with internet access

Lesson: Works Cited, Academic Integrity & Honesty

Description: Plagiarism facts and IB Academic Dishonesty Policy

Materials Needed: Computer with internet access

Lesson: Accessing eMagazines on Flipster

Description: Search Flipster for free eMagazines.

Materials Needed: Computer or mobile device

*Students & Teachers must log in to the Denton ISD school gmail account to view the following videos.

Lesson: Accessing & Using the Online Catalog OPAC

Lesson 3 Circle Map.mp4


Circle Map

FINAL Lesson 4 Boolean Search.mp4


Boolean Operators for Research

Lesson 5 Locating and Evaluating Resources.mp4


Locating Resource &

Evaluating Sources

FINAL Lesson 6 Brittanica.mp4

Lesson: Britannica:

Citing Sources &


Lesson 7 Gale Skimming and Citing Sources.mp4

Lesson: Gale:

Citing Sources &


Lesson 8 Works Cited Academic Integrity and Honesty.mp4

Lesson: Works Cited, Academic

Integrity & Honesty

Lesson: Accessing eMagazines on Flipster