Summer Assignments

Summer Assignments

Complete at least 5 projects from the assignments listed below: Projects are worth 100 points each for a total of 500 points. Pieces should be no smaller than 9x12 inches and no larger that 18x24 inches. The assignments are about quality, not quantity. You may use any media or mixed media of your choice. We will use this work for the “Breadth” section of your AP Portfolio. If you are absolutely certain that you plan on doing the 2D Photography Portfolio, assignments will be a little different.

1. Create a portrait or self-portrait that expresses a specific mood/emotion: anger/rage, melancholy/loneliness, happiness/joy, etc. Work with lighting, values, color to enhance the psychological atmosphere. Consider the environment/setting. Research portrait artists for inspiration. AP Photography students will take 10 photos instead of drawing/painting a portrait.


3. Still life arrangement of at least 3 objects. You could use reflective objects and make sure something is reflected in the objects. Render as accurately as you can. Again, research still life. Photo students 10 photos.

4. Drawing of an unusual interior- a closet, cabinet, refrigerator, inside your car, under the car hood, etc. This is where a camera comes in handy - take a variety of photos to draw from. This should be a very detailed work. Photo students take 20 shots.

5. Drawing and 2D Design: Expressive landscape. Use expressive color similar to the Fauvists or the Der Blaue Reiter. take a photo to work from or draw from observation.

Photography: research the Fauvists and expressive color. take at least 10 landscapes to be manipulated in Photoshop later.

6. Extreme close-up of food, almost to the point of abstraction. Very detailed. Cut up fruits and veggies and look closely at the insides for interesting abstract qualities. Use color.

7. Combine text with art. Collage other elements.

8. Buildings in a landscape. Draw on location or take a variety of photos to draw from later. Old churches are great for this. Make sure perspective is correct. Photo students take closeup details.

9. Hands drawing. Create a drawing of your hands (or photograph someone’s for reference) arranged in a variety of poses. Photo students shoot at least 10 different poses.

10. Contrast of textures. Place 3 eggs on a towel, cloth or crumbled paper (preferably patterned) to create an interesting composition. Draw in pencil OR colored pencil. Pay attention to the smoothness of the eggs against the rough quality of the towel. Imply a light source and use a variety of values.

11. Get outside! Take your camera or sketchbook and do a series of nature close up sketches. Select one and render in pencil. Concentrate on values and textures. Photo students take at least 10 close up photos, shoot in black and white if possible.

12. Surrealism. Research the surrealist artists (historical and contemporary). Read what the surrealist state about their work. Create a work in the surrealist style. You may want to do this as a mixed media piece. Have fun with it! Photo students take a variety of random images that you can work with in Photoshop to create a surreal image.