Chung Sing Benevolent Society Mrs. Aw Boon Haw Secondary School
English Language
The English Panel aims at establishing appropriate mechanism as well as conditions in which students can be helped to acquire and practise the four basic language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing to fulfill the following domains of use:
Facilitating their academic studies in formal secondary education, tertiary education and continuing education; at the same time, meeting the official requirements of English Language in the Diploma of Secondary Education Examination.
Competing successfully in their future employment that requires employees to have mastered basic functional competence in English language
Obtaining effective communication in local everyday situations and the world outside Hong Kong
Mastering the English language at the basic levels to obtain pleasure and entertainment through language arts and non-language arts materials
Extending knowledge and experience of other cultures and developing oneself personally and intellectually
Language Activities
Inter-house Dictation Competition
Inter-house Composition Competition
Joining the Hong Kong Speech Festival
Joining the ‘Puppetry on Stage’ Competition
Joining the Hong Kong Schools Drama Festival
Extensive Reading Schemes
Home Reading Award Scheme
Read and Win Award Scheme
Life-wide learning activities
English Ambassador Programme
Thursday English Assembly
English Club activities
Language games and activities at the English Zone
English Week