Climate Smart Agricultural Practices in Forage-Livestock Systems in South Carolina

Olivia Mathis

Authors:  Olivia Mathis, Liliane Silva, and Ana Thayer

Faculty Mentors:  Liliane Silva, Ana Thayer

College: College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences


The livestock industry is one of South Carolina’s (SC) most important agricultural activities. Forages are the primary feed source for livestock due to favorable climatic conditions, adapted forage species, and access to local nutrient sources (e.g. poultry litter). In recent decades, there has been increasing concern with environmental aspects and the sustainability of forage-livestock systems. In the United States, agriculture is the source of 10% of greenhouse gas emissions (EPA, 2019). In a pilot initiative through the United States Department of Agriculture climate-smart grant, Clemson University, South Carolina State University, and 27 project partners are providing incentives to farmers to implement production practices across four SC commodities with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Within the “Forages for Beef Cattle” program, 123 operations will receive incentives for implementing one, or a combination, of the following improved practices in livestock-forage systems: incorporation of legumes, use of poultry litter, and prescribed grazing. 

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Olivia Mathis 2023 Undergraduate Poster Forum