Ms. Jones's Counseling Corner

Welcome to all things virtual school counseling for upper grades at Station Camp Elementary! I miss you all so very much, but I hope this site can help keep us connected as we stay healthy at home. I'll be adding lessons, resources, videos, and other goodies often, so check back weekly!

Zoom Check-Ins Available!

If your parents give permission and are home, we can have a check-in via Zoom! Have your parent email to schedule a time.

Share Your Roses and Thorns with Ms. Jones!

I've missed hearing your roses and thorns! If you'd like to share with me, fill out the google form and I can read all about it!

Crisis Text Line

Text 741741 to text a trained Crisis Counselor. You can also visit for more information and resources!

Guidance Activities

Daily Guidance Activity Ideas

Click the image to the left to see ideas of small things you can do to practice what we've learned in guidance this year!