BFA Fairfax Guidance

Hi BFA Students and Families,

Your school counselors and school psychologist are here and ready to help you. The current COVID 19 crisis has produced many challenges and we will continue to offer you our services to help you cope. Our daily lives have been turned upside down during this stressful situation and adjusting to new routines is difficult, but we know how important a daily schedule is in managing stress.

Whether it is information you are seeking or mental health support, we are ready to assist you. You will find a variety of resources on this website to help both students and parents. We encourage you to connect with us by clicking the Connect with Us link at the top of this page or through our school email accounts. We look forward to assisting you with what you need.

In the meantime, here are some suggestions to help with your mental health.

  1. The media you consume - As tempting as it is, try to limit the amount of news media you are watching...particularly with the kids around. We want to be informed and have up to date, factual information, but be mindful of how often you are watching the news or checking social media. There is a lot of drama and misinformation online that is best avoided.

  2. How much you slept - Not going to school or work makes it tempting to stay up late, however, school is still happening and many adults still have work responsibilities. Keep the bedtime routine you had as if you had to leave for school or work in the morning. Our bodies and minds like routine and normalcy and they need sleep to rest and re-energize.

  3. What you eat - We know that our food routines are changing as well. Try your best to get fruits, vegetables and water on a regular basis. If you need food assistance please contact us.

  4. How much you moved - With remote learning/working from home, it’s even more important to be mindful of how much time you and your kids are sitting in front of a screen. Schedule times for movement breaks and get outside as often as you can!

  5. Whether you’ve organized your thoughts - When we don’t have a plan for the day or a schedule to follow, our mind can be all over the place and we may not get done what we had hoped...thus feeling upset, guilty or overwhelmed. Create a schedule that includes time for learning/work, movement, family time and self-care (time for YOU).

Again, don't hesitate to contact us as we all continue to navigate this very fluid situation.

Respectfully submitted,

Saybra Varisano, Elementary School Counselor

Nichole Wehman, Middle School Counselor

Katherine McElroy, High School Counselor

David Buckingham, Director of Guidance

Jessica Castine, FWSU School Psychologist

Nurses_Newsletter_5-8-20 (1).pdf

Newsletter 05/19/2020