Mrs. Garcia

4th grade

Teacher Bio

Hello! I am Mrs. Garcia, and this is my 6th year teaching at Oakhurst Elementary. I've taught Pre-kindergarten for two years, 3rd grade for three years and this is my first year as a 4th grade teaching. I attended Texas Wesleyan University. It is a pleasure to have your son/daughter in my classroom, we will have a great year!

¡Saludos! Soy maestra Garcia y este es mi sexto año como maestra bilingüe en la escuela primaria Oakhurst. Es un placer tener a su hijo/hija en mi salon.

Class Schedule

8:00- 8:45 English Reading/Lectura en Ingles

8:45- 9:00 SGGR/Practice Stations English

9:00- 9:45 Spanish Reading/Lectura en Español

9:45- 10:00 SGGR/Practice Stations Spanish

10:00- 11:30 Mathematics/Matemáticas

11:30- 12:25 Writing/Escritura

12:25- 12:55 Lunch/Almuerzo

12:55-1:25 Recess/Recreo

1:25-1:30 Science/Social Studies Ciencias/Estudios Sociales

1:30- 2:20 Specials

P.E./Educación Física- M TH F/ lunes, jueves, viernes

Art/Arte- T/ martes

Music/Música- W/ miércoles

2:20- 3:00 Science/Social Studies Ciencias/ Estudios Sociales


