By Your Name

February 1, 2024

Mrs. Turner, Algebra and Biology teacher participation in the Teacher spirit week. Friday, one of the days at South Side Teacher spirit week and it was pride day . As she has the color green and her South Side shirt on. 

Teacher's Spirit Week

By Isabella Franco (9)

May 16 , 2024

South Side already had a spirit week, but what makes this spirit week so special is that it's a spirit week for the staff and teachers of South Side High School and a special week for them only.

South Side does many things when it comes to showing gratitude for either students or staff. They have already done a normal spirit week, but this time they made a special week for the teachers.

“I participate in spirit week either way, but once i heard there was a teacher spirit week i felt so appreciated because it was just a special week for the teachers to get all dressed up,” science teacher Theo Bercot said.

The teachers and staff at South Side high deserve all the appreciation and gratitude that they can get, because of everything that they put up with during all the years of students and problems they've faced.

“I love teaching at this school, truly I do because not only do I get to experience the wonder of students, maybe finding my class an interest to them, I also get to feel appreciated with things like this,” Bercot said.

The staff and teachers at South Side high school have been working here for years, more less than others but still they decide to stay here at this school and continue coming to work every day.

“I've been working at South Side for quite some time now , and I've definitely been through all types of students and situations and because of that I appreciate what they do for the teachers to show gratitude,” English teacher Angela Fultz said.

The days at southside spirit week are all different themes each day, one of the most important and special days to the teachers was Wednesday when it was ”Dress like a student day”.

“I participated all week , but my most favorite day of the week was definitely Wednesday, because I had gotten to dress up like a student, and I loved all the shocked faces and funny comments on what I had chosen to wear,” Fultz said.

Teacher Spirit Week has been a fun week for all teachers guaranteed, and definitely aw way for all staff and teachers to feel appreciated and to know that what they do at this school isn't’ unnoticed

“One of the things I really love about this school, and teaching here is how much love i feel from students i mean they come into my class everyday ready to talk to me and excited for my class, that makes me happy,” Algebra and Science teacher Michelle Turner said. 

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