South Side Seniors Put on Art Show

By Michael Roberts

May 2, 2024

Art by: Mariah Grim(12), Katelyn Doelling(12), Eh Nay Day(12),Jeanelly Hernandez(12), Esmeralda Rodriguez(12) 

South Side Seniors Put on Art Show

By Michael Roberts (9)

May 2, 2024

Last week there was the senior IB art show in the auditorium. The art show had six seniors that had been in art for at least 2 years. Each of the seniors had their own theme of which all their art was about.

“As I remember there were dreams was one of the themes, Childhood memories was a theme, Childhood as it relates to who you still are from connections to your childhood, Being a mother, And animals with the emphasis on rare and exotic animals,” art teacher Jennifer Slone said.

All of the art had a personal connection to each of the seniors. They got to choose their theme and work on it.

“It was senior year and I was already emotional about graduating- like the next step so I felt like that fit with the stage of life I was in,” Jeanelly Hernandez (12) said.

They had to mix all their art together to give the gallery a more interesting dynamic. The seniors didn’t seem to mind this as they thought it was a good thing.

“For my exhibition I went for a visually pleasing- like balance and for everyone else I actually liked mixing the pictures it just made the show feel more fun,” Mariah Grim (12) said.

They all had an array of different tastes and art styles and tastes in and outside of class.

“My favorite style to do is college's and I liked colored pencils,” Katelyn Doelling (12) said.

They all also had varying creative processes of how they got to make their art. 

“What I usually do I just find an artist in the area that I want to do say I want to do a panting I find a artist in that particular area and then I basically try to mimic their style or like their meaning and then based off that I Try to experiment with what that artist does and try to make it into my own piece and that's how I get the final,” said Eh Nay Day (12)

 The senior IB art show was a long time coming and it took a lot of time and effort to accomplish on the half of the seniors. It came together beautifully.

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