South Side's New Tardy Policy Helping Students Get to Class on Time

By Isabella Franco

May 2 , 2024

The posters around school show constant reminders about the new policy that has been put in place. (Photo By Isabella Franco (9))

South Side's New Tardy Policy Helping Students Get to Class on Time

By Isabella Franco (9)

May 2 , 2024

South Side High School's new policy is the Tardy policy, which includes Thursday school or so called after school detention, if you have 5 or more tardies by Thursday. Which if you do, you get Thursday school.

In addition to that, if you end up with Thursday school, and then not attend it you will end up with a suspension. Then the more days of Thursday school you decide to miss, will lead to Expulsion.

“I'm really glad that they started this new Tardy Policy, because a lot more of my students have been coming into class on time and I don't constantly have to keep opening the door for them,” principles of business management teacher Pepsy Nagel said.

There's many benefits of the Tardy policy when it comes to teachers, there students get to class on time more often and they don't always have to keep changing the absence to tardy on their attendance sheet.

“I say this because even though many students are now on time, still many do not seem to care and I tend to find myself still having to change up the attendance all the time because students still care to be late,” Nagal said.

And there's a lot more upsides to the Tardy policy, not only do people get to class on time instead of always being late and missing things students are able to catch up on subjects they may have missed.

“You see the Tardy Policy is only there to help students, not to be there against them all we want for the kids is to make sure that they are getting a fair shot at their own learning,” Nagel said.

The Tardy policy of course has its downsides too, for example how if students are late all the time they end up with detention which nobody likes and nobody has the time for and is very hated.

“I hate this policy man, it's too pushy and I hate how we get detention if we are late, some of us just aren't able to wake up on time and make it to classes and it's always way too crowded in the hallways,” Amiyah Jones (9) said.

Even when students are late, it's understandable to know that sometimes it isn't their fault, there's just lots of kids in this school which makes the hallways always way too crowded.

“It's just annoying how there is a time limit in the first place, i mean i understand there's classes to attend i get that but it's a big school at least we try to get to class on time,” Jones said.

But again there are many different opinions when it comes to the new Tardy Policy, and everyone had different views about it, some students might even like the Tardy Policy and think it's helpful.

“Being on time also means that it helps you with timing in the future, and not only that you don't have to worry about missing something that your teacher might have shown or said or teached before you got to your class,” Aubrey Russo (9) said.

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