By Your Name

February 1, 2024

All text should be in ARIAL font

Headline: 30 pt (bold)

Byline (at top under main headline): 18 pt

Byline/Email: 18 pt (bold)

Story: 18 pt

Captions: 12 pt

Write the caption here...describe what's in the picture, identify the people (and grades), and provide some more info that isn't shown. It should be 2-3 sentences long not including the identification of people.  Also put a photo credit for each picture.  This goes at the end of the caption. Examples:  (Photo by Mr. Ahlersmeyer) or (Photo courtesy of Mr. Harl) or (Photo by John Smith (10))


By Your Name (grade#)

February 1, 2024

Paste your story in THIS textbook...SINGLE SPACED

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