South Side Teachers Victorious Over Senior Volleyball Team

By Montserrat Nino

February 29, 2024

Staff (left) going against senior students (right). This was nearly the end of the 2nd round with students getting 11 while teachers had 23. Photo by Montserrat Nino (9). 

South Side Teachers Victorious Over Senior Volleyball Team

By Montserrat Nino (9)

February 29, 2024

On February 23rd, 2024 South Side had their annual staff vs senior students volleyball game during a pep session for winter homecoming.

“The staff vs students volleyball game is an exciting event where the senior boys get an opportunity to compete against the teachers while all the kids are watching. I remember last year was the first year we’ve done it in a while and there was a senior who carried the team so the gym got behind him and everyone started chanting MVP to him so it’s really a cool environment and a fun way to bring everyone together here at South Side,” special education teacher Sierra Miranda said.

The volleyball game is a game where senior boys get to challenge their teachers to see who wins before they depart from South Side High School. 

 “I’m always prepared for everything, I feel pretty athletic, I’m pumped that we have an athletic staff team so we could get the W this year because we took an L last year so I’m ready, I hope my teammates are ready,” Miranda said. 

The staff ended up winning this year’s volleyball game. This was a fun time for them while for the students it might’ve been a different experience. 

“I of course think the staff members will win, I believe in my team and in my co-workers and we're coming out for revenge this year,” Miranda said. 

It’s amazing to see staff supporting each other and making sure they all feel well before the game. Staff ended up getting their revenge. 

“I’d say the game itself was fun, especially while you're the one playing. It was fun for the kids seeing the teachers in a different perspective when they are not at their desk or podium and seeing them be competitive,” Spanish teacher Fortunato Carillo said 

Seeing teachers who are usually in one spot and are seen standing up and being competitive especially with students can be quite surprising for some people. 

“I was as prepared as I could’ve been since I haven’t played volleyball since high school so it felt new but not at the same time,” Carrillo said.

There are teachers who were long term volleyball players and some who haven’t played volleyball in a while. In the end they all had a great time together. 

“Teachers winning the staff vs students game is always a good feeling,” Carrillo said.

 “I thought it was pretty fun and I liked how the high school brought it and I think the staff played really well,” volleyball player Jude Ratajozak (12) said. 

Both staff and students did well during the volleyball game. They both seemed like they were having an amazing time.

“I was absolutely not prepared of this, I was brought in last minute but that was apart of the fun for going into something without knowing what you are getting into,” Ratajozak said

Some staff and students had to join at the last minute due to either their interest in it or because there were an uneven amount of people. 

“I didn’t mind that we lost, I thought everyone had a blast and I thought it was fun when people are shouting your name and you just see that everyone is cheering you on, it was pretty good,” Ratajozak said. 

Congratulations to the teachers who played and beat the students. As long as everyone had fun that’s all that really matters in this game.

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